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Wonder of the Week

Week-by-week, we're video-archiving The Insect Asylum's singular collection. Check out this weekly wonder!

Wonder of the Week

Wonder of the Week

This week we learn about Alba the Guinea Pig, a wonder brought to The Insect Asylum from the Logan Square community!


Alba the Guinea pig was surrendered by her owners when she was diagnosed with cancer, as they did not have the resources to support her. Around that time, another Humbolt Square resident had recently lost a pet rabbit through a surgical accident. Nina put Alba's family and the recently bereaved in touch, and there, Alba found a new hospice home, where she lived for a full two years with home and veterinary care. After she passed, her new owner brought her back to TIA, where a taxidermy student of the museum transformed her into this beautiful specimen. 

The Insect Asylum

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